Saturday, July 5, 2008

Students' 1999 predictions, some more prescient than others

Janet (see my previous post) was in the 1998 - 1999 Comparative Governments class where we studied, among other things, the events then unfolding in Kosovo. In May, students wrote their predictions for the following year:

1. NATO will have withdrawn from Kosovo and things will calm down, with the Serbs in charge.
2. Milosovic is still alive and in power, but has become lactose intolerant.
3. US continues to ask China to do something about Tibet.
4. Saudi Arabia, California, and Iraq will be at war.
5. Nothing will have happened to anyone's computers because of Y2K.
6. Nigeria will no longer be a democracy.
7. The British royal family will spontaneously combust.

Alumna News from Serbia

This summer Janet Rabin, a former Kino student, is a Peace Fellow with the Advocacy Project. She is in Serbia working with Women in Black, an international organization that advocates peace and justice through nonviolence.

Janet is writing a weekly blog about her experiences which you can read here.

Janet was a Kino student for many years; she graduated in 2000. It's fun to reread the article that the Daily Star wrote about her back then and see that she already had a strong interest in international aid.